Thursday, January 24, 2013

A wee bit of Artwork

This is the most recent work I did, and it was a few weeks ago, while at my other house. I don't have many art supplies there so I just used what I could get my hands on at the time.  Some scrapbook paper, magazines to rip up, a couple of photographs, an old glue stick. I made all of these quick collages one evening while sitting in front of the fireplace, listening to music. It took me back to my beginning days of collage, when I worked with very few supplies, mostly just "found" stuff. I think my collages made me much happier then, as they were more intuitive, and  much simpler/spare. I did not get caught up in all of the purchased stuff that I have to sift through now.  There is something to be said for simplicity don't you think?   I made them to fit this old wrought iron frame easel stand "thingie" that I have had for years.  I cut up some cardboard packing boxes for the backs to give them some body.

Even though I called them done and left them alone, I'm not saying I may not add more to a couple of them later.  I'm not sure, in looking at these photos now, that there aren't a couple of them that could use a little something more. I'm pretty happy with 1, 2, and 5.  I think #3 needs a bit more somewhere, and #4 could really use some paint over those circles that were already on the paper.  But they are fine for now, until I get back there again.


  1. I like these collages...#5 is my favorite with #4 running close behind. I agree with you about simplicity. Sometimes I think I'd do much better if I had fewer supplies to think about.

  2. Yes, the simplicity factor . . .
    These collages are a nice beginning to your new house.

  3. They are finished if you say so....adding to any of them is your choice isn't it? That's what makes creating art so awesome!!! Blessings

  4. I love them! It's amazing what you can make do with when you think you are limited. Sometimes that gives me more ideas than if I have everything at hand. This is so cool.
